RAM 32 MB (a minimum of 20 MB for the application)
System: Mac OS 8 (minimum 7.6)
QuickTime 3 (minimum 2.5)
It is recommended to disable virtual memory while using Katabounga.
Mac Player (Runtime):
Power Macintosh
System: Mac OS 8 (minimum 7.6)
QuickTime 3 (minimum 2.5)
It is recommended to disable virtual memory while using Katabounga.
Windows Player (Runtime):
PC Pentium 200 Mhz - RAM 32 MB (16 MB minimum)
System: Windows 95, Windows 98
QuickTime 3
There is no Runtime player available for Windows NT at this time.
Drag the Katabounga folder onto your hard disk.
This folder contains the application and the modules necessary for the Mac and Windows Runtimes.
Getting started
Launch the application. The original CD must be in the CD-ROM drive in order to validate your license. Do not lose this CD, and keep it close to your computer.
Mac and Windows Runtime included
When you execute the order to compile a Runtime a Mac and a Windows version will be created.
The only difference between these concerns the external "text" media, but not the text objects created in Katabounga.
The Mac Runtime uses Mac "texts" (such as SimpleText).
The Windows Runtime uses RTF format texts.
RTF format text is not automatically generated: the user must convert the text into RTF format and then place it in the Media folder.
For this reason, for any Mac text document (ex. "MyText" ) that appears in the Media folder after compilation, you must create a corresponding document in the RTF format ("MyText.rtf") and place it in the Media folder.
Windows Runtime Limitations & Restrictions
• Effects such as Fading are not implemented.
• Offscreen text management (in which the text is read from a document) is not implemented; all text is visible directly on the screen. The file name is the same as the Mac file name plus ".rtf". This file must be in the RTF format.
• Only 4 font styles are supported: plain, bold, italic, underline.
Windows Runtime Special Text and Font Instructions
Use of the document Font_PC.ini
Do not forget to complete this according to the font used.
[Arial] : name of the font on the Mac
WINNAME=Arial : name of the font on Windows
HNORMAL=120 : horizontal scale factor normal style